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Dog Control


All dogs picked up in the Town of Volney are housed in the Oswego City Animal Shelter at 621 E. Seneca St Oswego, NY 13126 (315)343-1803

Please be advised that in order to obtain your animal, you must first come to Volney Town Hall with proof of a current license and rabies vaccination for the animal. At that time, you will be required to pay a $25.00 transport fee, as well as a boarding fee of $15.00 per day, starting from the date the dog was picked up.
Once these requirements are met, you will be provided with the necessary paperwork to take to the Oswego City Animal Shelter to release your dog

Please remember that the D.C.O. cannot do anything about cats.  The law prohibits the dog control officer from picking up stray cats or anything else that is NOT a dog. 

All dogs in New York State MUST be licensed by the age of 4 months and older.  It doesn't matter if they are confined to the house or not,  ALL dogs must be licensed in accordance with NYS Ag & Markets Law Article 7. 

Dog Licensing Fees are as follows: 

Unspayed/Unneutered $20.00 
Spayed/Neutered $10.00 

New Dog License Application

Dog Renewals
In order to get a dog license, you must have a current rabies certificate.   

  • The Town Clerk will issue a license with a current rabies certificate. 

  • All dogs that are redeemed from the kennel, must have proof of license before the dog is allowed to leave the kennel. 

  • The Town of Volney Dog Control Officer has a CHIP reader to scan for microchips.  If you have found a dog and would like to see if it has a chip, please contact us and we will be happy to scan the dog for you.   

  • If you have FOUND or LOST a dog please CONTACT the DCO IMMEDIATELY, this will insure a quick return home (315) 402-4220 

  • If you suspect Animal Cruelty (mistreatment, abandonment, no housing, no food, no water, etc.) please contact 911 and ask for a State Trooper to investigate.  We as Dog Control Officers by law cannot do anything with Animal Cruelty.  Animal Cruelty falls under Article 28 under the Ag and Markets Law, and we only deal with Article 7 of the Ag and Markets Law and Town Law. 


Please see this year’s Rabies Clinic Schedule here:

2025 Oswego County Rabies Clicic Dates

Important Phone #'s: 

Oswego County Health Dept. Rabies: (315) 349-3564   

DEC: (315) 426-7400 

Town of Volney Habitual Barking and Leash Laws 

Habitual barking it is defined as follows:  To engage in habitual loud howling, barking, crying and whining for a constant ten minutes, or intermittently for a half hour, or to conduct itself in such a manner to habitually annoy any person, unless the dog(s) is/are actively engaged in hunting, or training for hunting, or service dog(s). 

There Is A "Leash" Law in Effect Throughout the Year in The Town of Volney That Prohibits Dogs From Being At Large! Dogs Must Remain on Its Own Property Unless It Is Under Direct Supervision And Control of Its Owner or Responsible Person!!! 

SNIP Clinic-Oswego Humane Society-cats only (315) 207-1070
Spay & Neuter Syracuse SANS-cats & dogs (315) 834-0141

Tractor Supply Fulton (315) 593-2289
Tractor Supply Oswego (315) 342-7100
Tractor Supply Central Square (315) 676-2142
Tractor Supply Baldwinsville (315) 652-5885
Country Max Baldwinsville (315) 303-0656
Country Max Oswego (315) 216-4782


David Whalen
Dog Control Officer
24 Hours leave a message
Cell: (315) 402-4220